Lyretail Anthias (Female)

(2 customer reviews)


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias squamipinnis

Min. Tank Size: 125 gal

Reef Compatible: Yes

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All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Easy to acquire
Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks.
Default size: Medium

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Reviews (2)

2 reviews for Lyretail Anthias (Female)


    Ordered three, one male and two females. The packaging was in great shape, fish acclimated very well to the tank salinity. Fish are beautiful and I could not be happier with my purchase.

  2. Jerry Buffman

    My order was so very well packaged – I ordered several females and a male – they were all outstanding and have fit right into my tank – all very healthy and eating a variety of “cuisine”. They are a joy to watch school in my 200 gallon reef. Thanks so much for doing such a great job!

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