Showing all 373 results

Achilles Tang

Acanthurus achilles Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Adorned Wrasse

Halichoeres cosmetus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Aiptasia Eating Filefish

Acreichthys tomentosus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Annularis Angel (Adult)

Pomacanthus annularis Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Asfur Angelfish

Pomacanthus asfur Min. Tank Size: 150 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Atlantic Blue Tang (Adult)

Acanthurus coeruleus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Atlantic Blue Tang (Juvenile)

Acanthurus coeruleus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Auriga Butterflyfish

Chaetodon auriga Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Azure Damselfish

Chrysiptera hemicyanea Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Banded Snake Eel

Myrichthys colubrinus Min. Tank Size: 150 gal Reef safe: With Caution

Banggai Cardinal

Pterapogon kauderni Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Barnacle Blenny

Acanthemblemaria hancocki Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bartlett’s Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias bartlettorum Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bell’s Flasher Wrasse (Female)

Paracheilinus bellae Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bell’s Flasher Wrasse (Male)

Paracheilinus bellae Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bellus Angelfish (Female)

Genicanthus bellus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bellus Angelfish (Male)

Genicanthus bellus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bicolor Angelfish

Centropyge bicolor Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Bicolor Blenny

Ecsenius bicolor Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bicolor Dottyback

Pictichromis paccagnellae Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bicolor Foxface

Siganus uspi Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish

Myripristis sp. Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Bimac Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias bimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black (Grey) Angel

Pomacanthus arcuatus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: No

Black & White Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Clarkii Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Combtooth Blenny

Ecsenius namiyei Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Black Ice Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Ice Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Ice Extreme Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Longnose Tang

Zebrasoma rostratum Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Nox Angelfish

Centropyge nox Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Black Pyramid Butterflyfish

Hemitaurichthys polylepis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Ribbon Eel

Rhinomuraena quaesita Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Safe: No

Black Storm Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris var. Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black-Barred Zebra Tang

Acanthurus polyzona Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: with caution

Blacktail Lemonpeel

Centropyge flavissima Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blotched Borbonius Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Odontanthias borbonius Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blue Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus cyaneus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blue Hippo Tang

Paracanthurus hepatus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blue Jaw Tilefish

Hoplolatilus starcki Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blue Spot Puffer

Canthigaster solandri Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blue Throat Triggerfish (Female)

Xanthichthys auromarginatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blue Throat Triggerfish (Male)

Xanthichthys auromarginatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blue Unicorn Tang

Naso brevirostris Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blueface Angelfish (Adult)

Pomacanthus xanthometopon Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blueface Angelfish (Juvenile)

Pomacanthus xanthometopon Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse

Labroides dimidiatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bluestripe Pipefish

Doryrhamphus excisus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Bluestripe Pipefish (Captive Bred)

Doryrhamphus excisus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Canary Blenny

Meiacanthus oualanensis Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Candy Basslet

Liopropoma carmabi Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Carberryi Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Nemanthias carberryi Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Carpenter Wrasse

Paracheilinus carpenteri Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Cat Banded Bamboo Shark

Chiloscyllium punctatum Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: No

Cat Spotted Shark

Chiloscyllium punctatum Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: No

Chalk Bass (Captive Bred)

Serranus tortugarum Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Chalk Bass (Wild Caught)

Serranus tortugarum Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Chevron Tang

Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

China Pearl Black-backed Wrasse

Anampses neoguinaicus Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Choat’s Red Leopard Wrasse

Macropharyngodon choati Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Chocolate Tang

Acanthurus pyroferus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Chromis (Blue/Green)

Chromis viridis Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Clarkii Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion clarkii Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Clown Citron Goby

Gobiodon citrinus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Clown Goby Green

Gobiodon atrangulatus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Clown Tang

Acanthurus lineatus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Clown Triggerfish

Balistoides conspicillum Min. Tank Size: 300 gal Reef Compatible: No

Conspicillatus Angel (Captive Bred)

Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus Min. Tank Size: 150 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Convict Tang

Acanthurus triostegus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Copperband Butterflyfish

Chelmon rostratus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Coral Beauty

Centropyge bispinosa Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Cortez Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Pomacanthus zonipectus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Court Jester Goby

Koumansetta rainfordi Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Court Jester Goby (Captive Bred)

Koumansetta rainfordi Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Cream Angel

Apolemichthys xanthurus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Crescent Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Occasionally in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Crescent Tail Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus lunatus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Crosshatch Triggerfish

Xanthichthys mento Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Cubicus Boxfish

Ostracion cubicus Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

DaVinci Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Diamond Goby

Valenciennea puellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Diamond Tail Flasher Wrasse (Male)

Paracheilinus attenuatus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dispar Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias dispar Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Domino Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dot Dash Punctato Butterflyfish

Chaetodon punctatofasciatus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: No

Dragon Wrasse

Novaculichthys taeniourus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Dragonface Pipefish

Corythoichthys sp. Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dusky Bluefin Angelfish

Centropyge multispinis Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Dusky Fairy Brunneus Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus brunneus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dusky Margined Wrasse

Halichoeres marginatus Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dusky Tilefish

Hoplolatilus cuniculus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal

Dussumieri Tang

Acanthurus dussumieri Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Eightline Flasher Wrasse (Female)

Paracheilinus octotaenia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Eightline Flasher Wrasse (Male)

Paracheilinus octotaenia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Emperor Angelfish (Adult)

Pomacanthus imperator Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Emperor Angelfish (Juvenile)

Pomacanthus imperator Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Engineer Goby

Pholidichthys leucotaenia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Exquisite Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus exquisitus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

False Personifer Angelfish (Female)

Chaetodontoplus meredithi Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

False Personifer Angelfish (Male)

Chaetodontoplus meredithi Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Filamented Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus filamentosus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Fine Spotted Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus punctatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Fine Spotted Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus punctatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Firefish Exquisite

Nemateleotris exquisita Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Firefish Helfrichi

Nemateleotris helfrichi Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Firefish Purple

Nemateleotris decora Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Firefish Red/Regular

Nemateleotris magnifica Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Flagfin Angelfish

Apolemichthys trimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Flame Angel

Centropyge loricula Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Flame Hawkfish

Neocirrhites armatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Flame Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus jordani Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Flame Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus jordani Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Flameback Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Centropyge acanthops Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Fowler’s Surgeonfish

Acanthurus fowleri Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes


Siganus vulpinus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Freckled hawkfish

Paracirrhites forsteri Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

French Angelfish (Adult)

Pomacanthus paru Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: No

French Angelfish (Juvenile)

Pomacanthus paru Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: No

Frostbite Absolute Zero


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Frostbite Chilled Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Frostbite Frozen Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Fu Manchu Lionfish

Dendrochirus biocellatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish

Dendrochirus brachypterus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Gem Tang

Zebrasoma gemmatum Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Geometric Pygmy

Plectranthias inermis Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Gladiator Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Gold Dot Maroon Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Premnas biaculeatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Gold Rim Whitecheek Tang

Acanthurus nigricans Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Gold Spotted Snake Eel

Myrichthys ocellatus Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Safe: No

Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Premnas biaculeatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Original price was: $699.99.Current price is: $599.99.
Centropyge aurantia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Golden Cuban Basslet (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Mostly in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Golden Head Sleeper Goby

Valenciennea strigata Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Super Male)

Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish

Chaetodon semilarvatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Golden-lined Rabbitfish (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Goldflake Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Half Black Angelfish

Centropyge vroliki Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Harlequin Tusk (Aussie)

Choerodon fasciatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Harlequin Tusk (Indo)

Choerodon fasciatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Hector’s Goby

Koumansetta hectori Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Hi Fin Red Banded Goby

Stonogobiops nematodes Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Hooded Flame Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Hooded Flame Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Humu Picasso Triggerfish

Rhinecanthus aculeatus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Hybrid Achilles White Cheek Tang

Acanthurus achilles x Acanthurus nigricans Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Ice Mocha Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Ignitus Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias ignitus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Indigo Dottyback (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Interruptus Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Centropyge interruptus Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Janss’ Pipefish

Doryrhamphus janssi Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Jawfish Blue Dot

Opistognathus rosenblatti Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Jawfish Pearly Yellowhead

Opistognathus aurifrons Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Johnson’s Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus johnsonii Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Johnson’s Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus johnsonii Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Katherine’s Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus katherinae Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Kato’s Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus katoi Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Klein Butterflyfish

Chaetodon kleini Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: No

Koran Angel (Adult)

Pomacanthus semicirculatus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: No

Labout’s Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus laboutei Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Labout’s Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus laboutei Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lamarck’s Angelfish

Genicanthus lamarck Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Latticed Butterflyfish

Chaetodon rafflesi Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: No

Lavender Tang

Acanthurus nigrofuscus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lawnmower Blenny

Salarias fasciatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lemonpeel Angelfish

Centropyge flavissima Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Lemonpeel Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Centropyge flavissima Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Leopard Wrasse

Macropharyngodon meleagris Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Leopard Wrasse Black

Macropharyngodon negrosensis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Leopard Wrasse Blue Star

Macropharyngodon bipartitus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Leopard Wrasse Ornate

Macropharyngodon ornatus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lieutenant Tang

Acanthurus tennenti Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus lineatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus lineatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Super Male)

Cirrhilabrus lineatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lined Seahorse (Captive Bred)

Hippocampus erectus Min. Tank Size: 30 Gal Reef Safe:  With Caution Seahorses are about 3" and are eating brine shrimp.

Linespot Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus lineopunctatus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Longfin Ocellaris Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Longfin Phantom Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Longhorn Cowfish

Lactoria cornuta Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Longnose Hawkfish

Oxycirrhites typus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Lunare Wrasse

Thalassoma lunare Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: No

Lyretail Anthias (Female)


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias squamipinnis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lyretail Anthias (Male)


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias squamipinnis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lyretail Damselfish (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Maculosus Angel (Red Sea)

Pomacanthus maculosus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Magma Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus shutmani Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Magnificent Foxface

Siganus magnificus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Majestic Angelfish

Pomacanthus navarchus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Majestic Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Pomacanthus navarchus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Mandarin – Blue/Green (Captive Bred)

Synchiropus splendidus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mandarin – Blue/Green (Wild Caught)

Synchiropus splendidus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mandarin – Spotted

Synchiropus picturatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Marine Betta

Calloplesiops altivelis Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Maroon Gold lightening Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Premnas biaculeatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Masked Goby

Coryphopterus personatus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

McCosker’s Wrasse

Paracheilinus mccoskeri Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Melanurus Wrasse

Halichoeres melanurus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes ( it may eat feather dusters, shrimp, tubeworms, and flatworms)

Midas Blenny

Ecsenius midas Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mimic Eibli Tang

Acanthurus tristis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mimic Lemon Peel Tang

Acanthurus pyroferus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mimic Saddle Puffer

Paraluterus prionurus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Safe: With Caution

Mocha Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mocha Gladiator Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mocha Longfin Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mocha Storm Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mocha Storm Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Molly Miller Blenny

Scartella cristata Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Moorish Idol

Zanclus cornutus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Multibar Angelfish

Paracentropyge multifasciata Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Multibar Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Paracentropyge multifasciata Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Multicolor Angelfish

Centropyge multicolor Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Mystery Wrasse

Pseudocheilinus ocellatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Naked Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Naso Blonde Tang

Naso elegans Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Naso Blonde Tang with Streamer

Naso elegans Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Naso Tang

Naso lituratus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Neon Blue Goby (Captive Bred)

Elacatinus oceanops Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Niger Triggerfish

Odonus niger Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Ocellaris Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Ocellate Damselfish

Pomacentrus vaiuli Min Tank size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

One Spot Foxface

Siganus unimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Onyx Percula Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Onyx Picasso Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Onyx Picasso Percula Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Ocellaris Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Peel Angelfish

Centropyge flavissima Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Shoulder Tang

Acanthurus olivaceus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Spot Rabbitfish

Siganus guttatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Orange Spotted Blenny

Blenniella chrysospilos Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Orange Spotted Filefish

Oxymonacanthus longirostris Min. Tank Size: 24 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Orange Spotted Goby

Amblyeleotris guttata Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Storm Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Stripe Prawn Goby

Amblyeleotris randalli Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orchid Dottyback

Pseudochromis fridmani Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Oreni Tilefish

Hoplolatilus oreni Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Paddlefin Wrasse (Female)

Thalassoma lucasanum Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Paddlefin Wrasse (Male)

Thalassoma lucasanum Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Pajama Cardinal (Captive Bred)

Sphaeramia nematoptera Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pakistan Butterflyfish

Chaetodon collare Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Passer Angelfish

Holacanthus passer Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Pearlscale Butterflyfish

Chaetodon xanthurus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: No

Percula Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Phantom Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Helmet Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Percula Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Percula Clownfish (Premium)


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Storm Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Storm Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Super Storm Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pink Spotted Watchman Goby

Cryptocentrus leptocephalus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pinkbar Goby

Amblyeleotris aurora Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Porcupine Puffer

Diodon holocanthus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Safe: No

Potter’s Angelfish

Centropyge potteri Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Powder Blue Tang

Acanthurus leucosternon Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Powder Blue Tang (XL)

Original price was: $239.99.Current price is: $199.99.
Acanthurus leucosternon Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Powder Brown Tang

Acanthurus japonicus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Dottyback

Pseudochromis porphyreus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Masked Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Original price was: $239.99.Current price is: $199.99.
Centropyge venusta Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Purple Queen Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias tuka Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Tang

Zebrasoma xanthurum Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Tang (Captive Bred)

Zebrasoma xanthurum Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Tang (Red Sea)

Zebrasoma xanthurum Min. Tank Size: 175 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pygmy (Cherub) Angelfish

Centropyge argi Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Pygmy Red Rooster Waspfish

Hypodytes rubripinnis Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: No

Pygmy Yellowtail Angelfish

Centropyge flavicauda Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Queen Angelfish (Adult)

Holacanthus ciliaris Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Queen Angelfish (Juvenile)

Holacanthus ciliaris Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Raccoon Butterflyfish

Chaetodon lunula Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Red bar Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias cooperi Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Coris Wrasse (Juvi)

Coris gaimard Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus solorensis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Male – Lyretail Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias squamipinnis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Scooter Dragonet

Synchiropus stellatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Stop Light Cardinalfish

Apogonichthys hyalinus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Stripe Angelfish

Centropyge eibli Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Red Stripe Tilefish

Hoplolatius marcosi Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Tail Triggerfish

Xanthichthys ringens Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Red Velvet (Rosy Scales) Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red-Lined Nano Goby (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small (~0.5″)

Red-lined Wrasse (Xmas Wrasse) (Male)

Halichoeres biocellatus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Reef Blue Chromis

Chromis cyanea Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Regal Angelfish (Bali)

Pygoplites diacanthus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Regal Angelfish (Red Sea)

Pygoplites diacanthus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Resplendent Anthias (Tierra Anthias)


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias pulcherrimus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Rock Beauty Angelfish

Holacanthus tricolor Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Royal Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus angulatus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Royal Gramma

Gramma loreto Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Ruby Red Dragonet

Synchiropus sycorax Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Rusty Angelfish

Centropyge ferrugata Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Saddle Valentini Puffer

Canthigaster valentini Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Safe: With Caution

Sailfin Desjardini

Zebrasoma desjardini Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Sailfin Tang

Zebrasoma velifer Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Schooling Bannerfish

Heniochus acuminatus or Heniochus diphreutes (either or, cannot distinguish between them) Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Scissortail Goby

Ptereleotris evides Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Scopas Tang

Zebrasoma scopas Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Scribbled Angelfish

Chaetodontoplus duboulayi Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Sergeant Major Damsel

Abudefduf vaigiensis Min Tank size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Shovelnose Shark


Rhinobatos productus

Min. Tank Size: 600 gal - 1000 gal (preffered) Reef Compatible: No

Singapore Angel

Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Sixline Wrasse

Pseudocheilinus hexataenia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Skunk Orange Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion sandaracinos Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Skunk Pink Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion perideraion Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Sleeper Banded Goby

Amblygobius phalaena Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Sleeper Blue Dot Goby

Valenciennea sexguttata Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Smooth Hound Shark


Rhinobatos productus

Min. Tank Size: 600 gal - 1000 gal (preffered) Reef Compatible: No

Snowflake Eel

Echidna nebulosa Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef safe: With Caution

Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Sohal Tang

Acanthurus sohal Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus isosceles Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Spotcinctus Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion bicinctus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Springeri Damsel

Chrysiptera cf. springeri Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Squareback Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias pleurotaenia Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Starck’s Damsel

Chrysiptera starcki Min Tank size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Starry Blenny

Salarias ramosus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Stocky Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias hypselosoma Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Stripped Burrfish

Chilomycterus schoepfi Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Safe: No

Swales Swissguard

Liopropoma swalesi Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Swallowtail Tiger Angelfish (Female)

Genicanthus semifasciatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Swallowtail Tiger Angelfish (Male)

Genicanthus semifasciatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Swallowtail Zebra Angelfish (Female)

Genicanthus melanospilos Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Swallowtail Zebra Angelfish (Male)

Genicanthus melanospilos Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Tailspot Blenny

Ecsenius stigmatura Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Tear Drop Butterflyfish

Chaetodon unimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Tibicen Keyhole Angelfish

Centropyge tibicin Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Tiger Watchman Goby

Valenciennea wardii Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Tigerpyge Hybrid Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Original price was: $2,499.99.Current price is: $1,799.99.
Centropyge flavissima x C. eibli Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Tomato Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion frenatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Tomini Tang

Ctenochaetus tominiensis Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Twin Spot Goby

Signigobius biocellatus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Two Spot Bristletooth Tang

Ctenochaetus binotatus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Unicorn Tang

Naso unicornis Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Vlamingii Tang

Naso vlamingii Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Volitan Lionfish Colored

Pterois volitans Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Watanabei Angelfish (Female)

Genicanthus watanabei Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Watanabei Angelfish (Male)

Genicanthus watanabei Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Wheeler Goby & Pistol Shrimp bonded pair

Amblyeleotris wheeleri + Pistol shrimp Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Wheeler’s Shrimp Goby

Amblyeleotris wheeleri Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

White’s Seahorse (Captive Bred)

Live Arrival Guarantee Only Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size:

Whitetail Bristletooth Tang

Ctenochaetus flavicauda Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yasha Shrimp Goby

Stonogobiops yasha Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse

Wetmorella nigropinnata Min. Tank Size: 15 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Belly Hippo Tang

Paracanthurus hepatus var. Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Candy Hogfish

Bodianus bimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Chrysus Wrasse

Halichoeres chrysus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Clown Goby

Gobiodon okinawae Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Eye Spotted Kole Tang

Ctenochaetus strigosus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish

Forcipiger flavissimus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Yellow Pyramid Butterflyfish

Hemitaurichthys polylepis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Tang (Captive Bred)


They are Sold as Quarantined only

Zebrasoma flavescens Min. Tank Size: 80 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Watchman Goby

Cryptocentrus cinctus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Watchman Goby (Captive Bred)

Cryptocentrus cinctus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow/Gold Assessor Basslet

Assessor flavissimus Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus flavianalis Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Zebra Barred Dartfish

Ptereleotris zebra Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Zebra Moray Eel

Gymnomuraena zebra Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef safe: With Caution