Showing all 410 results

Achilles Tang

Acanthurus achilles Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Acropora Crab (Trapezia)


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Trapezia sp Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Adorned Wrasse

Halichoeres cosmetus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Aiptasia Eating Filefish

Acreichthys tomentosus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Anemone Crab


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Annularis Angel (Adult)

Pomacanthus annularis Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Arrow Crab


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Stenorhynchus seticornis Reef Compatible: Yes

Asfur Angelfish

Pomacanthus asfur Min. Tank Size: 150 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Astraea Snail


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

The Astraea Snail has a unique shell and a ravenous appetite for most algae.

Atlantic Blue Tang (Adult)

Acanthurus coeruleus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Atlantic Blue Tang (Juvenile)

Acanthurus coeruleus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Auriga Butterflyfish

Chaetodon auriga Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Azure Damselfish

Chrysiptera hemicyanea Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Banded Coral Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Stenopus hispidus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Banded Snake Eel

Myrichthys colubrinus Min. Tank Size: 150 gal Reef safe: With Caution

Banggai Cardinal

Pterapogon kauderni Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Barnacle Blenny

Acanthemblemaria hancocki Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bartlett’s Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias bartlettorum Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bell’s Flasher Wrasse (Female)

Paracheilinus bellae Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bell’s Flasher Wrasse (Male)

Paracheilinus bellae Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bellus Angelfish (Female)

Genicanthus bellus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bellus Angelfish (Male)

Genicanthus bellus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Berghia Nudibranch


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Berghia verrucicornis / Aeolidiella stephanieae

Bicolor Angelfish

Centropyge bicolor Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Bicolor Blenny

Ecsenius bicolor Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bicolor Dottyback

Pictichromis paccagnellae Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bicolor Foxface

Siganus uspi Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish

Myripristis sp. Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Bimac Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias bimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black (Grey) Angel

Pomacanthus arcuatus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: No

Black & White Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Clarkii Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Ice Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Longnose Tang

Zebrasoma rostratum Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Nox Angelfish

Centropyge nox Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Black Pyramid Butterflyfish

Hemitaurichthys polylepis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black Ribbon Eel

Rhinomuraena quaesita Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Safe: No

Black Storm Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris var. Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Black-Barred Zebra Tang

Acanthurus polyzona Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: with caution

Blacktail Lemonpeel

Centropyge flavissima Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blotched Borbonius Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Odontanthias borbonius Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blue Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus cyaneus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blue Hippo Tang

Paracanthurus hepatus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blue Jaw Tilefish

Hoplolatilus starcki Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blue Spot Puffer

Canthigaster solandri Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blue Throat Triggerfish (Female)

Xanthichthys auromarginatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blue Throat Triggerfish (Male)

Xanthichthys auromarginatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blue Unicorn Tang

Naso brevirostris Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Blue Velvet Nudibranch


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Chelidonura varians

Blueface Angelfish (Adult)

Pomacanthus xanthometopon Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Blueface Angelfish (Juvenile)

Pomacanthus xanthometopon Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse

Labroides dimidiatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Bluestripe Pipefish

Doryrhamphus excisus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Bluestripe Pipefish (Captive Bred)

Doryrhamphus excisus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Bumble Bee Snails


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Tank Size: 10 gal
Reef Compatibility: Yes

Canary Blenny

Meiacanthus oualanensis Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Candy Basslet

Liopropoma carmabi Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Carberryi Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Nemanthias carberryi Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Carpenter Wrasse

Paracheilinus carpenteri Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Cat Banded Bamboo Shark

Chiloscyllium punctatum Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: No

Cat Spotted Shark

Chiloscyllium punctatum Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: No

Cerith Snail


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Cerith snails are small snail scavengers with a pointy spiral shell.

Chalk Bass (Captive Bred)

Serranus tortugarum Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Chalk Bass (Wild Caught)

Serranus tortugarum Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Chevron Tang

Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

China Pearl Black-backed Wrasse

Anampses neoguinaicus Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Choat’s Red Leopard Wrasse

Macropharyngodon choati Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Chocolate Tang

Acanthurus pyroferus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Chromis (Blue/Green)

Chromis viridis Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Cipro 500mg

A broad-spectrum antibiotic for fish, Very effective against bacteria in fish. For aquarium use.

Clarkii Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion clarkii Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Cleaner Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Cleaner shrimp is a common name for a number of swimming decapod crustaceans, that clean other organisms of parasites.

Clown Citron Goby

Gobiodon citrinus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Clown Goby Green

Gobiodon atrangulatus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Clown Tang

Acanthurus lineatus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Clown Triggerfish

Balistoides conspicillum Min. Tank Size: 300 gal Reef Compatible: No

Conspicillatus Angel (Captive Bred)

Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus Min. Tank Size: 150 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Convict Tang

Acanthurus triostegus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Copperband Butterflyfish

Chelmon rostratus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Coral Beauty

Centropyge bispinosa Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Cortez Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Pomacanthus zonipectus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Court Jester Goby

Koumansetta rainfordi Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Court Jester Goby (Captive Bred)

Koumansetta rainfordi Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Cream Angel

Apolemichthys xanthurus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Crescent Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Occasionally in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Crescent Tail Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus lunatus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Crosshatch Triggerfish

Xanthichthys mento Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Cubicus Boxfish

Ostracion cubicus Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Curly Que Snapping Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Alpheus Armatus Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

DaVinci Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Derasa Clam 12-14″


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Diamond Goby

Valenciennea puellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Diamond Tail Flasher Wrasse (Male)

Paracheilinus attenuatus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dispar Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias dispar Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Domino Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dot Dash Punctato Butterflyfish

Chaetodon punctatofasciatus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: No

Dragon Wrasse

Novaculichthys taeniourus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Dragonface Pipefish

Corythoichthys sp. Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dusky Bluefin Angelfish

Centropyge multispinis Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Dusky Fairy Brunneus Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus brunneus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dusky Margined Wrasse

Halichoeres marginatus Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Dusky Tilefish

Hoplolatilus cuniculus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal

Dussumieri Tang

Acanthurus dussumieri Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Eightline Flasher Wrasse (Female)

Paracheilinus octotaenia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Eightline Flasher Wrasse (Male)

Paracheilinus octotaenia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Elegant Rockpool Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Palaemon elegans Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Emerald Crab


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Emperor Angelfish (Adult)

Pomacanthus imperator Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Emperor Angelfish (Juvenile)

Pomacanthus imperator Min. Tank Size: 220 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Engineer Goby

Pholidichthys leucotaenia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Exquisite Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus exquisitus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

False Personifer Angelfish (Female)

Chaetodontoplus meredithi Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

False Personifer Angelfish (Male)

Chaetodontoplus meredithi Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Filamented Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus filamentosus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Fine Spotted Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus punctatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Fine Spotted Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus punctatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Fire Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Firefish Exquisite

Nemateleotris exquisita Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Firefish Helfrichi

Nemateleotris helfrichi Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Firefish Purple

Nemateleotris decora Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Firefish Red/Regular

Nemateleotris magnifica Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Flagfin Angelfish

Apolemichthys trimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Flame Angel

Centropyge loricula Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Flame Hawkfish

Neocirrhites armatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Flame Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus jordani Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Flame Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus jordani Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Flameback Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Centropyge acanthops Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Fowler’s Surgeonfish

Acanthurus fowleri Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes


Siganus vulpinus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Freckled hawkfish

Paracirrhites forsteri Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

French Angelfish (Adult)

Pomacanthus paru Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: No

French Angelfish (Juvenile)

Pomacanthus paru Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: No

Frostbite Absolute Zero


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Frostbite Chilled Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Fu Manchu Lionfish

Dendrochirus biocellatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish

Dendrochirus brachypterus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Gem Tang

Zebrasoma gemmatum Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Geometric Pygmy

Plectranthias inermis Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Gladiator Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Gold Dot Maroon Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Premnas biaculeatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Gold Rim Whitecheek Tang

Acanthurus nigricans Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Gold Spotted Snake Eel

Myrichthys ocellatus Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Safe: No

Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Premnas biaculeatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Original price was: $699.99.Current price is: $599.99.
Centropyge aurantia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Golden Cuban Basslet (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Mostly in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Golden Head Sleeper Goby

Valenciennea strigata Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Super Male)

Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish

Chaetodon semilarvatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Golden-lined Rabbitfish (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Goldflake Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Half Black Angelfish

Centropyge vroliki Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Harlequin Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Harlequin Tusk (Aussie)

Choerodon fasciatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Harlequin Tusk (Indo)

Choerodon fasciatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Hector’s Goby

Koumansetta hectori Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Hermit Crab-Halloween


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Ciliopagurus strigatus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Hermit Crabs


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

hermit crab moves into larger shells as it grows, fighting other hermit crabs for the shells if necessary.

Hi Fin Red Banded Goby

Stonogobiops nematodes Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Hooded Flame Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Hooded Flame Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Humu Picasso Triggerfish

Rhinecanthus aculeatus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Hybrid Achilles White Cheek Tang

Acanthurus achilles x Acanthurus nigricans Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Ice Mocha Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Ignitus Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias ignitus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Indigo Dottyback (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Interruptus Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Centropyge interruptus Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Janss’ Pipefish

Doryrhamphus janssi Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Jawfish Blue Dot

Opistognathus rosenblatti Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Jawfish Pearly Yellowhead

Opistognathus aurifrons Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Johnson’s Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus johnsonii Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Johnson’s Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus johnsonii Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Katherine’s Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus katherinae Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Kato’s Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus katoi Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Klein Butterflyfish

Chaetodon kleini Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: No

Koran Angel (Adult)

Pomacanthus semicirculatus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: No

Labout’s Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus laboutei Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Labout’s Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus laboutei Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lamarck’s Angelfish

Genicanthus lamarck Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Large Pack 90-120 Gal


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Cerith x 20 Nassarius x 20    Margarite x 20    Nerite x 20   

Latticed Butterflyfish

Chaetodon rafflesi Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: No

Lavender Tang

Acanthurus nigrofuscus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lawnmower Blenny

Salarias fasciatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lemonpeel Angelfish

Centropyge flavissima Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Lemonpeel Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Centropyge flavissima Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Leopard Wrasse

Macropharyngodon meleagris Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Leopard Wrasse Black

Macropharyngodon negrosensis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Leopard Wrasse Blue Star

Macropharyngodon bipartitus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Leopard Wrasse Ornate

Macropharyngodon ornatus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lieutenant Tang

Acanthurus tennenti Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Female)

Cirrhilabrus lineatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Male)

Cirrhilabrus lineatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Super Male)

Cirrhilabrus lineatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lined Seahorse (Captive Bred)

Hippocampus erectus Min. Tank Size: 30 Gal Reef Safe:  With Caution Seahorses are about 3" and are eating brine shrimp.

Linespot Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus lineopunctatus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Longfin Ocellaris Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Longfin Phantom Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Longhorn Cowfish

Lactoria cornuta Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Longnose Hawkfish

Oxycirrhites typus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Lunare Wrasse

Thalassoma lunare Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: No

Lyretail Anthias (Female)


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias squamipinnis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lyretail Anthias (Male)


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias squamipinnis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Lyretail Damselfish (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small

Maculosus Angel (Red Sea)

Pomacanthus maculosus Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Magma Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus shutmani Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Magnificent Foxface

Siganus magnificus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Majestic Angelfish

Pomacanthus navarchus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Majestic Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Pomacanthus navarchus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Mandarin – Blue/Green (Captive Bred)

Synchiropus splendidus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mandarin – Blue/Green (Wild Caught)

Synchiropus splendidus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mandarin – Spotted

Synchiropus picturatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Margarite Snails


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Margarite Snails are one of the best options to keep your tank clean. Hungry and tough

Marine Betta

Calloplesiops altivelis Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Maroon Gold lightening Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Premnas biaculeatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Masked Goby

Coryphopterus personatus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Maxima Clam: Gold


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

McCosker’s Wrasse

Paracheilinus mccoskeri Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Melanurus Wrasse

Halichoeres melanurus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes ( it may eat feather dusters, shrimp, tubeworms, and flatworms)

Midas Blenny

Ecsenius midas Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mimic Eibli Tang

Acanthurus tristis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mimic Lemon Peel Tang

Acanthurus pyroferus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mimic Saddle Puffer

Paraluterus prionurus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Safe: With Caution

Mocha Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mocha Gladiator Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mocha Longfin Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mocha Storm Bonded Pair


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Mocha Storm Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Molly Miller Blenny

Scartella cristata Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Moorish Idol

Zanclus cornutus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Multibar Angelfish

Paracentropyge multifasciata Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Multibar Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Paracentropyge multifasciata Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Multicolor Angelfish

Centropyge multicolor Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Mystery Wrasse

Pseudocheilinus ocellatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Naked Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Nano CUC Pack


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Cerith x 2 Nassarius x 3    Margarite x 2  Nerite x 3 

Naso Blonde Tang

Naso elegans Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Naso Blonde Tang with Streamer

Naso elegans Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Naso Tang

Naso lituratus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Nassarius Snail small


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

The Nassarius Snail is a small scavenger with an oval, spiral shell that resembles an olive pit.

Neon Blue Goby (Captive Bred)

Elacatinus oceanops Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Nerite Snails


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Nerite snails are one of the best options when trying to keep your tank clean, whether it's freshwater or saltwater.

Niger Triggerfish

Odonus niger Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: No

Ocellaris Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Ocellate Damselfish

Pomacentrus vaiuli Min Tank size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

One Spot Foxface

Siganus unimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Onyx Picasso Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Peel Angelfish

Centropyge flavissima Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Shoulder Tang

Acanthurus olivaceus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Spot Rabbitfish

Siganus guttatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Orange Spotted Blenny

Blenniella chrysospilos Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Orange Spotted Filefish

Oxymonacanthus longirostris Min. Tank Size: 24 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Orange Spotted Goby

Amblyeleotris guttata Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Storm Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange Stripe Prawn Goby

Amblyeleotris randalli Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Orchid Dottyback

Pseudochromis fridmani Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Oreni Tilefish

Hoplolatilus oreni Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Paddlefin Wrasse (Female)

Thalassoma lucasanum Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Paddlefin Wrasse (Male)

Thalassoma lucasanum Min. Tank Size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Pajama Cardinal (Captive Bred)

Sphaeramia nematoptera Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pakistan Butterflyfish

Chaetodon collare Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Passer Angelfish

Holacanthus passer Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Pearlscale Butterflyfish

Chaetodon xanthurus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: No

Peppermint Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined


Percula Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Phantom Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Helmet Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Percula Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Percula Clownfish (Premium)


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion percula Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Picasso Storm Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pink Spotted Watchman Goby

Cryptocentrus leptocephalus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pinkbar Goby

Amblyeleotris aurora Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pistol Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Alpheus glaber Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pom Pom Crab


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Porcelain Crab


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Porcupine Puffer

Diodon holocanthus Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Safe: No

Potter’s Angelfish

Centropyge potteri Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Powder Blue Tang

Acanthurus leucosternon Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Powder Blue Tang (XL)

Original price was: $239.99.Current price is: $199.99.
Acanthurus leucosternon Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Powder Brown Tang

Acanthurus japonicus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Dottyback

Pseudochromis porphyreus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Masked Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Original price was: $239.99.Current price is: $199.99.
Centropyge venusta Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Purple Queen Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias tuka Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Tang

Zebrasoma xanthurum Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Tang (Captive Bred)

Zebrasoma xanthurum Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Purple Tang (Red Sea)

Zebrasoma xanthurum Min. Tank Size: 175 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Pygmy (Cherub) Angelfish

Centropyge argi Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Pygmy Red Rooster Waspfish

Hypodytes rubripinnis Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: No

Pygmy Yellowtail Angelfish

Centropyge flavicauda Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Queen Angelfish (Adult)

Holacanthus ciliaris Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Queen Angelfish (Juvenile)

Holacanthus ciliaris Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Raccoon Butterflyfish

Chaetodon lunula Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Red Banded Pistol Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Alpheus randalli Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red bar Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias cooperi Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Coris Wrasse (Juvi)

Coris gaimard Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus solorensis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Male – Lyretail Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias squamipinnis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Scooter Dragonet

Synchiropus stellatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Stop Light Cardinalfish

Apogonichthys hyalinus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Stripe Angelfish

Centropyge eibli Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Red Stripe Tilefish

Hoplolatius marcosi Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red Tail Triggerfish

Xanthichthys ringens Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Red Velvet (Rosy Scales) Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Red-Lined Nano Goby (Captive Bred)

Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size: Small (~0.5″)

Red-lined Wrasse (Xmas Wrasse) (Male)

Halichoeres biocellatus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Reef Blue Chromis

Chromis cyanea Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Regal Angelfish (Bali)

Pygoplites diacanthus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Regal Angelfish (Red Sea)

Pygoplites diacanthus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Resplendent Anthias (Tierra Anthias)


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias pulcherrimus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Rock Beauty Angelfish

Holacanthus tricolor Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Royal Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus angulatus Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Royal Gramma

Gramma loreto Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Ruby Red Dragonet

Synchiropus sycorax Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Rusty Angelfish

Centropyge ferrugata Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Saddle Valentini Puffer

Canthigaster valentini Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Safe: With Caution

Sailfin Desjardini

Zebrasoma desjardini Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Sailfin Tang

Zebrasoma velifer Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Paguristes cadenati Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Schooling Bannerfish

Heniochus acuminatus or Heniochus diphreutes (either or, cannot distinguish between them) Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Scissortail Goby

Ptereleotris evides Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Scopas Tang

Zebrasoma scopas Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Scribbled Angelfish

Chaetodontoplus duboulayi Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Sergeant Major Damsel

Abudefduf vaigiensis Min Tank size: 75 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Shovelnose Shark


Rhinobatos productus

Min. Tank Size: 600 gal - 1000 gal (preffered) Reef Compatible: No

Singapore Angel

Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Sixline Wrasse

Pseudocheilinus hexataenia Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Skunk Orange Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion sandaracinos Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Skunk Pink Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion perideraion Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Sleeper Banded Goby

Amblygobius phalaena Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Sleeper Blue Dot Goby

Valenciennea sexguttata Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Small Replenish Pack


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Cerith x 5 Nassarius x 5    Margarite x 5  Nerite x 5 

Smooth Hound Shark


Rhinobatos productus

Min. Tank Size: 600 gal - 1000 gal (preffered) Reef Compatible: No

Snowflake Eel

Echidna nebulosa Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef safe: With Caution

Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion ocellaris Min. Tank Size: 20 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Sohal Tang

Acanthurus sohal Min. Tank Size: 250 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Splendid Pintail Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus isosceles Min. Tank Size: 90 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Spotcinctus Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion bicinctus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Springeri Damsel

Chrysiptera cf. springeri Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Squareback Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias pleurotaenia Min. Tank Size: 100 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Starck’s Damsel

Chrysiptera starcki Min Tank size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Starry Blenny

Salarias ramosus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Stocky Anthias


All anthias are sold as quarantined only

Pseudanthias hypselosoma Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Stripped Burrfish

Chilomycterus schoepfi Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Safe: No

Swales Swissguard

Liopropoma swalesi Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Swallowtail Tiger Angelfish (Female)

Genicanthus semifasciatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Swallowtail Tiger Angelfish (Male)

Genicanthus semifasciatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Swallowtail Zebra Angelfish (Female)

Genicanthus melanospilos Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Swallowtail Zebra Angelfish (Male)

Genicanthus melanospilos Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Tailspot Blenny

Ecsenius stigmatura Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Tear Drop Butterflyfish

Chaetodon unimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: No

Tibicen Keyhole Angelfish

Centropyge tibicin Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Tiger Pistol Shrimp


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Alpheus bellulus Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Tiger Watchman Goby

Valenciennea wardii Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Tigerpyge Hybrid Angelfish (Captive Bred)

Original price was: $2,499.99.Current price is: $1,799.99.
Centropyge flavissima x C. eibli Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Tomato Clownfish


All clownfish are captive bred and sold only as quarantined

Amphiprion frenatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Tomini Tang

Ctenochaetus tominiensis Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Trochus Snails


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Trochus snails consume film algae, hair algae, diatoms and some species of cyanobacteria. These snails are excellent for cleaning the rocks and glass of your Aquarium

Turbo Snail


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Turbo Snails  are some of the most common and popular snails for aquarium algae control.

Twin Spot Goby

Signigobius biocellatus Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Two Spot Bristletooth Tang

Ctenochaetus binotatus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Unicorn Tang

Naso unicornis Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Vlamingii Tang

Naso vlamingii Min. Tank Size: 360 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Volitan Lionfish Colored

Pterois volitans Min. Tank Size: 120 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Watanabei Angelfish (Female)

Genicanthus watanabei Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Watanabei Angelfish (Male)

Genicanthus watanabei Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Wheeler Goby & Pistol Shrimp bonded pair

Amblyeleotris wheeleri + Pistol shrimp Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Wheeler’s Shrimp Goby

Amblyeleotris wheeleri Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

White’s Seahorse (Captive Bred)

Live Arrival Guarantee Only Availability: Easy to acquire Often in stock qted, ready to ship within 2 weeks. Default size:

Whitetail Bristletooth Tang

Ctenochaetus flavicauda Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

X-Large Pack 150-240 Gal


All inverts are sold only as quarantined

Cerith x 50 Nassarius x 50    Margarite x 50  Nerite x 50

Yasha Shrimp Goby

Stonogobiops yasha Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse

Wetmorella nigropinnata Min. Tank Size: 15 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Belly Hippo Tang

Paracanthurus hepatus var. Min. Tank Size: 180 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Candy Hogfish

Bodianus bimaculatus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Chrysus Wrasse

Halichoeres chrysus Min. Tank Size: 50 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Clown Goby

Gobiodon okinawae Min. Tank Size: 10 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Eye Spotted Kole Tang

Ctenochaetus strigosus Min. Tank Size: 70 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish

Forcipiger flavissimus Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: With Caution

Yellow Pyramid Butterflyfish

Hemitaurichthys polylepis Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Tang (Captive Bred)


They are Sold as Quarantined only

Zebrasoma flavescens Min. Tank Size: 80 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Watchman Goby

Cryptocentrus cinctus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow Watchman Goby (Captive Bred)

Cryptocentrus cinctus Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellow/Gold Assessor Basslet

Assessor flavissimus Min. Tank Size: 25 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus flavianalis Min. Tank Size: 55 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Zebra Barred Dartfish

Ptereleotris zebra Min. Tank Size: 30 gal Reef Compatible: Yes

Zebra Moray Eel

Gymnomuraena zebra Min. Tank Size: 125 gal Reef safe: With Caution