Frequently Asked Questions

How do I place an order?

Please sign up for an account on the website by clicking on “My Account” and then click “Address” and fill out your information. Then click “Shop” and add livestock to your cart. If a livestock is missing or not mentioned please mention it in the additional information section at checkout and we will add it in. Simply submit the order after everything is in the cart. No payment is required at this time. We do not charge till fish are healthy and ready to ship. A payment link will be sent a few days before shipping.

Are all fish on your website in stock?

Most all fast selling fish or common fish like some verities of clownfish, tangs, gobies, blennies are in stock. While some may need to be requested, acquired and qted before selling. If you like to know exact time line of your livestock feel free to contact us at (918) 964-3333 (Mon to Fri – 12PM to 6PM Central).

There are no sizes mentioned. What size are the fish?

Normally all fish are going to be medium size. If different size is required, please mention that in “additional info” section of the checkout page or simply contact us and we can adjust the sizes. Unless there is a drastic difference in cost between small medium and large, We keep our price the same. If there is significant increase in cost for size requested, we will get in touch with you before hand.

Order Status, What does each step mean?

1st Step: Order Received

This means we have already received your order and are reserving livestock in your name that we already have and are trying to acquire ones we don't have.

2nd Step: Livestock Acquired & being QT’ed

This means all your livestock is in quarantine and being treated.

3rd Step: Getting Ready to Ship

This means all your livestock is near finishing quarantine and we are trying to coordinate a shipping date for the following week.

4th Step: Invoice

This means your order is ready to ship and we have already sent you an invoice to pay with PayPal and are now awaiting payment.

5th Step: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday

This means payment has been received and we have set a shipping date.

6th Step: Shipped/Completed

This means your order was shipped and we have closed the order.

How do I pay?

We send invoices via PayPal a week or two ahead of shipping.

Payment and Scheduling

We send out PayPal invoices on Thursdays. If payment is not received by 48 hrs prior to shipping day, it will be automatically dropped off the shipping schedule for that week.

Deposit? What if fish dies in qt?

We only require deposit on very expensive fish or rare fish that we may not be able to sell if client was to back out. If deposit is required, please understand that it will be lost if the fish doesn't make it through quarantine. Normally we order double to triple the fish requested as a back up and assurance policy. If all make it through quarantine, back up fish go to sale on our website.

How long before I get my fish?

If we already have your fish in stock then not so long; but if we have to find it and quarantine it then 30-45 days.


We offer a 3 days Live Arrival Guarantee Only.

It doesn't apply on expert only/live arrival guarantee only livestock or DOA replacements as they are guaranteed to arrive alive but are except from our extended guarantee after their arrival.

We can’t guarantee our quarantine protocol fully as no procedure is 100% safe. Also we treat for very major common diseases. There could be many variables that are at play which can affect the health of your livestock. Prime example we have seen, clients added chaeto or frags or rocks from a non-quarantined source and brought something nasty into their tank.


If you experience a loss within 3 days from the day of delivery:

We can either issue a store credit or send a replacement on your next order.

Note: Pictures must be sent out of water with white background within the specified timeframe to and if a buyer doesn’t contact us within the specified time frame then we reserve the right to decline doa coverage. Store credits expire 60 days after the date of issuance. Shipping charges are not refundable in any case.

It doesn't apply on expert only/live arrival guarantee only livestock or DOA replacements as they are guaranteed to arrive alive but are exempt from our extended guarantee after their arrival.

I am missing some items from my order

This will happen if we find the livestock to be not 100% on our scale when it comes to health and quality. In such case we can either issue a credit or send a replacement.

What do you feed your fish?

We feed a 50/50 mix of frozen mysis and brine. We add fish vitamins like selcon and garlic guard to our food. Also in some cases we add frozen blood worms. We buy food in bulk at Please note that the food is in bulk about 2-3 lbs each brick. Once opened it will go bad soon on a normal hobbyist unless you are a very heavy feeder.

What salinity do you ship at?

All fish are shipped at 1.021-23 range while Inverts are more closer to 1.024-26.

How do you recommend to acclimate?

Please see

Difference between Qt’ed Fish vs Conditioned?

Fully qt’ed fish have gone through all the procedures and treatments mentioned above and are safe to go into clients tanks. Conditioned fish start out just like qted fish and get prazi and metro treatment and then get put in copper but get sold without completing full 14 days in copper to people that may not want to qt or they have their own qt tank and procedure or simply want to take advantage of cheaper fish that has at least a head start into treatment.

How do we qt our inverts?

We place them in sterile tanks for 76 days. These invert tanks are completely fishless and only carry snails and shrimp.

When do you ship?

We ship on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday making delivery days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Note: UPS sometimes have blackout days for live animal deliveries specially in high mail traffic days like Christmas and certain holidays.

What is shipping cost?

Shipping charges are $64.99 and free shipping over $500.

Restocking Fee

There will be a 25% restocking fee if the order is cancelled after we have acquired the livestock but if you like to postpone it or take a store credit we can arrange that for no fee.


In case of shipping mishap/delays, if you have added insurance we will cover your entire livestock but if there is no insurance then you will have to file a claim with ups yourself and wait for them to pay you back for the loss.